2 min readOct 26, 2020


Is your social enterprise struggling with establishing an effective approach to marketing on social media? Navigating the field may sound like a daunting task; with the plethora of platforms and rapid development of new trends, it may seem like the Wild Wild West out there!

Often, social enterprises make a common mistake of posting too much (or too little!), and having an inconsistent approach to social media marketing. At SoCreate!, we understand the challenges that social enterprises (such as your organisation) face when developing a cohesive and effective social media campaign.

Thus, here are 4 simple tips to help you navigate the jungle that is social media marketing:

  1. Choose the right platform
    When deciding which platform to use, it is crucial to pick one that suits your product and your target audience. Each social media platform supports its own community of users, and it is important to understand how each platform operates (e.g. whether they are visual or text centric). It is important to conduct some research to find out which platforms your target audience uses so that you are able to connect with them!
  2. Be consistent
    Nobody likes a friend that calls you incessantly for a weekend and then disappears for the next 5 months. Similarly, people are more likely to engage with a brand that maintains a regular posting schedule, rather than one that has unpredictable content. Establish a social media content calendar and stick to it! Remember that more is not always better, and to create a schedule that you can commit to.
  3. Build a community
    Contrary to popular belief, follower counts are not the most important factor in determining the effectiveness of your marketing. Instead, try and grow a community of people who are genuinely interested in your brand. These people in your community are more likely to engage with your content and help your brand to grow organically. Focus your attention on quality, rather than quantity. Try to have authentic interactions with followers to grow your brand community.
  4. Create value
    One of the best ways to cut through the clutter on social media streams and grow your brand is to create things that your followers can value. Post content that can give something to your followers — be it a laugh, new insights, or a tidbit of information. Value is what will drive followers to follow and engage with your brand, thereby increasing the effectiveness of your marketing.

Still unsure of how to tailor a marketing plan for your social enterprise? Drop us an email today at to find out how we can help optimise your marketing!




SoCreate! is a marketing initiative that aims to provide low-cost, high-impact digital marketing services for social enterprises in Singapore.